A Leaf’s Tale

A Leaf’s Tale


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In its relatively short life, the humble leaf weathered through some difficult times; storms, torrential rain, violent winds and scorching summer. It also has seen brighter days, glorious sunshine, blue skies and gentle breezes. No two days were the same. Even though it experience hard times, the weathering made the leaves and the tree more resilient. Like the leaf, we go through different seasons in our lives. Time to time, things do get difficult and it is inevitable. No doubt, we will have to weather many storms, we will face test of fears and insecurities, drought and hunger which at the times may feel like it would never end, but they always subside and good days follows. Just like the knowledge of the leaf did not escape His knowledge, Allah also knows about our plights and the challenges we face on a daily basis, moment by moment. He sends us these trials and tribulation to make us stronger, to increase our ranks and rewards us in the process. Just like how Allah took care of the leaf until the very end, He too will take care of us.

His knowledge encompasses not just this one leaf but every leaf, every living and non-living entity on land and sea, whether it is in the darkness of the night or in the light of the day, everything is known and everything has been written. This shows the profundity and perfection of the knowledge of Allah. Subhan Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, unlimited in His perfection.

Sometimes, what seems like the most ‘insignificant’ of moment has tremendous significance. An apple fell in an Old English country garden, and Sir Isaac Newton saw gravity at play. A leaf fell in a courtyard, and we see Allah’s artistry at work. Allah is always painting a picture but where are the onlookers? He reveals to people whatever interpretation He wills of His work but where are the observers gone?

So the next time you pass a leaf, take a moment.., pause.., and listen. The humble leaf is waiting for an audience… shh… listen attentively and she will tell you her tale.

“Not a leaf falls, but He knows it.”
Al-An’am: 6:59

This candle gives you the sense of breathing in crisp autumn air as you wander a kaleidoscope forest painted green, yellow, red and orange. The heart is of Kashmiri apple nuanced with nutmeg and trailed by traces of Turkish bay leaf and sandalwood.

We decided to name this scent “A Leaf’s Tale” inspired by the author Abu Shama. His work inspires the description of this seasonal scent and the lessons he gives regarding the Autumnal leaf serve as an eloquent metaphor for understanding and loving your Creator. His article is linked below.

A Leaf’s Tale by Abu Shama


  • 45-Hour Burn Time
  • Coconut Soy Wax
  • Wood Wick
  • Toxin-Free Fragrance Oils
  • Available In 10 oz

Additional information

Weight 2.2 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in